Addendum to College Deer Field Trip Repercussions.......pun intended


Hark upon the return to the forest of academia who should appear but the ancient of ancients classical piano deer whose movements blew fresh winds through the forest hall glen. It curled into the hollow tree classroom to cleanse all and scoop up those who had fought the good fight. Swooping to take care of widowed classical deer fawn he began to reformat the classical deer musicians in ways that will help. Thankful for the help from the Endless Forest that finally after long years opened the realm to his wisdom he obtained the Wicked Wicked concert master and began to reset the community to what it once was. Carnegie Hall deer ready to serve their communities in all the niches and ways community embedded musicians do. The ancient of ancient deer has visited many glens globally including the origin point of Endless Forest and then off to the tower where wine brooks flow... and he took up community embedded deer to teach them how to watch over that which he set right