3 years...

So on as of October 16th I'll have been part of TEF for 3 years.
I remember first joining, being scared of just about every adult deer...

My first screenshot~

I just remember Quamar specifically terrifying me. His large antlers looming over the landscape atop a permanent skull mask.
He was the bridge guardian. And...well...I say 'I' as I hadn't known to associate my fawn as a separate entity, was always weary to cross that little bridge.
Even as a full grown deer, I was terrified to approach.

Needless to say this respect/scared concept of Quamar, specifically, still sticks around me today.
Though I'm not sure why I use Quamar as an example, but I just always remember him standing out.
That and of course 21.
Two idols, just as powerful to me, as the gods were.

It was always a joy to see the 'mother'. And no doubt, she still silently remains a sort of mother to me. She was always welcoming and friendly, a trait which I struggle to try and replicate. Always fun to be around... it was wonderful.

I can't remember many of the details that happened during those early months a few years ago, but this game certainly has taught me a few things that I can remember.

Precious, precious, patience.

With time, it does pay off~ And I wouldn't trade that little lesson for the world. <3

TL;DR --
I'm nostalgia-ing, so don't mind me if I'm running around in forest with my first real 'set' and Quince, previously called Yumi's picto.


Aww this is awesome, that's

Aww this is awesome, that's amazing you still have your first screenshot!
quadraptor's picture

!! Happy 3rd TEF Birthday!

Laughing out loud!! Happy 3rd TEF Birthday!

happy three years! =D

happy three years! =D
Verycrazygirl's picture

(No subject)

<33333333333 Happy TEF Bday Shim.

Tuhka's picture

I many times miss those old

I many times miss those old days I call "Quamar's days" [referring to the times Quamar was my only critter I really played]. The forest and the community was very different back then and it was easier to stand out as an individual. These days many kind of sink under the masses. : P

I might have a blurry memory of you but I'm not sure at all. : D
But really, it's nice to hear some people are still remembering Quamar even though he's been kind of gone for a good while.

And welcome to us oldies, yarrr them oldie days. -rambles to her beard-
Pegasicorn's picture

I don't know whether to toss

I don't know whether to toss a brownie or cake this time, so have a bit of both. *tosses*

Terabetha -- Thank you~!

Terabetha --
Thank you~! Haha, It's a shamed I cropped it, though. I remember taking it using printscreen instead of the actual 'p' button. Failnewbieftw.

quadraptor --
Thank you~! <3 To Quad as well! Hope he had fun at his party. :]

AliceV --
Thank you so much~! <3<3

VCG --
*screams from mutated heart monster*
Thanks~ :]

Tuhka --
That is very much true. Even if you don't play Quamar much at all, I'll still remember him. :] It's understandable if you don't remember me, I'd be surprised if you did! xD;
If you even drag Quamar out from the abyss I'll be looking for him! 8D

Them oldie days were good times. *shakes cane in random directions*

Pega --
*catches* *can't really catch brownies or cake*
*offers slightly squishy desert treats despite terrible catching skills*
:] <3

(No subject)

<3 c:
Seele's picture

Heee! Congrats! Ah nostalgia,

Heee! Congrats! Ah nostalgia, nice to read about yours actually <3 Glad to still have you with us after all these years! A whole lot of inspiration/muse would've gone lost if you weren't here. Also, I love that first set of yours o_o.. XD

Happy TEF Birthday 8D That

Happy TEF Birthday 8D

That bridge shot. I love it.
*wonders who the two deer at the right of the line are*
Iaurdagnire's picture

Congrats on the 3 years Shim

Congrats on the 3 years Shim (: