´the wolf´

Sithrim's picture

yes, I'm still alive. Sticking out tongue
An illustration of the song "The wolf" by Fever Ray (UNF SONG, if you don't know it, freakin' youtube it right away).
I'm proud, for something that was done with mouse and with no possibility of erasing/CTRL+Z. (I used a tool called "Harmony", google it if you're curious.)

Another wolf here.

Just youtubed it and WHA

Just youtubed it and WHA thankyou for passing that song along!
No erasing...fff goodness you should be proud this thing looks epic!

Absolutely gorgeous. It's

Absolutely gorgeous. It's nice to see your art again. <3
Aranyani's picture

Wooooooooooooooo!!!! So this

So this is mouse+harmony? Ohgosh your skills are so epic.
-formerly Silensia-
Sithrim's picture

Tera - You're welcome haha!

Tera - You're welcome haha! From the same artist I also recommend : "Mercy street" and "Keep the streets empty for me". And thank you.
Jala - Long time no speakkkk. Glad you like it Jala! Thanks a lot.
Silensia - thank youu!
