Which law?

theano's picture
Following the rules gets you the norm. Breaking the rules results in one of two things---trouble or your dream. Take the risk, break the rule, it is the only action that gives you a fifty percent chance of having it all your way. Mary Page aka theano

There are rules everywhere. Rules about your health. Rules about your clothes. Rules on how to parent. Rules what you do at a certain age. RULES. External ever present rules. Rules are necessary at times because they keep us safe and give us a guideline to go by. When the rules become more important than the person. When the rules hurt more than the heal. When the rules become the sin itself. The darkness descends and you wonder how this rule that is suppose be so good for us becomes the very thing that hinders us.

There are two kinds of laws---rules. There are the rules told to us, given to us by institution and others. Then there is the law or rule written in our heart. Just one rule. Only one. It is the hardest one to follow that there is because you have to see the world through the others eyes. You have to forgive them no matter what they said or have done. You can not just say it but have to live it. It takes you places you never thought you would go and it has you bond with people you never thought possible. It crosses all boundaries, all cultures, all the other rules and it is the law of love. Put it into practice and you will never be the same. Everywhere I look in the endless forest and at the forum I see it displayed in all its many ways over and over again. I wonder why it cannot be so in the world. If it happens here it should happen out there.