Understanding Quad

quadraptor's picture
I meant to do this earlier, but Quad's not really hard to understand anyway Eye

- (I'm away from the computer, or I'm there but not looking at the screen)

- If far away, Quad is calling out to see where other deer are. If close to a deer, he's having conversation.

- Usually done after a bow, it's his way to greet someone he knows really well. Also if he ever sees anyone be sad, he'll walk over and nuzzle them to comfort them.

- He rarely sniffs due to something stupid he used to do. If he does it, then he's following someone else's lead who's sniffing a deer.

- Is both a greeting and a farewell. Normally the first action he does whenever he sees someone, and the last he does when he needs to leave.

- He finds something funny.

+ - He finds something HILARIOUS! He often does this as soon as he sees someone he knows, in an attempt to make them laugh too.

- Doesn't understand something. During spell casts if a deer looks really strange, he'll tilt his head. He often does this for no reason, as it is his favorite action.

+ + + .... - Something is very strange to him and he just cannot understand it. (Normally does this if he sees a glitch or something like that)

- Done when something is shocking to him, like when he sees someone in the forest who he has not seen in a long time.

- Doesn't often look sad, but if he does, then he's looking down at a deer who is leaving the forest. Often uses this to look down at tranformed deer who have become frogs, squirrels, ect.

- Rarely uses this action, but if he does, then it means to back off.

- He normally uses this action to joke with fawns, pretending that he's scared of them. Sometimes will do this for no reason at all.

+ or + - Will do this when he feels threatened, and will quickly agree or disagree with whatever was going on in fear of being hurt.

- Means "Hey come over here." or "Hey stand right here." Often used when I'm taking screenshots.

- Rarely does this, but it means he's jealous or annoyed.

- Quad's raising the roof! Actually, this often means that he's praising someone nearby.

+ - Quad's pointing at your deer, acting like he's going to do something funny. He's just trying to look funny.

+ - Quad looks at your deer awkwardly, making himself look wierd too.

+ - Doesn't really mean anything, he just does it to do something. He loves it when other deer copy him.

- Quad is a dance-a-holic Eye

while spinning - It's a different way Quad dances, and he loves doing this because he thinks it makes him look silly. He absolutely loves it when other deer do this at the same time.

- He sees someone he hasn't seen in a long time, and will hop around them excitedly.