there's nobody home, ma'am || open-for-all roleplay! || mature warning


This is an open roleplay, and anyone can join; even if I've never spoken to you in all the time we've been here, feel free to join regardless of experience. I love roleplaying with new people ;; ♥ I can roleplay more than one 'scene' with one person so if you want two roleplays, feel free to ask |: Human or deer is fine. I'm also fine with roleplaying the same character with more than one person at the same time so don't worry if I'm already using someone you want 8D
Well--on with the descriptions! I know only Rut's is really properly explained but eeeeh |: All the deer descrips are at least in biographies, and do have a human section so yes.

If there are older characters that aren't listed here that you'd like to roleplay with, such as Lorak, then do tell me!

Rutilus Phoebus

deer biography
deer appearance
deer appearance 2

human biography
human appearance
human appearance 2

Agent 'Saxophone' 9

deer biography
deer appearance

human biography

Keith Richards

deer/human biography
deer appearance
deer appearance 2
human appearance
human appearance 2
human appearance 3


Active Roleplays

totally guessing with colours here |8

* - pending reply from other participant
- pending reply from Dannii

*wingeddeer; Rutilus & Phobos [ deer ]
*Nimariel; Keith & Myszka [ deer ]
*Sensory; Rutilus & Andante [ deer ]
AA; Keith & Validus [ human ]

AA For once, he wasn't


For once, he wasn't nervous about being taken to a place he didn't know, he wasn't scared that they would walk in and suddenly he would be pounced upon and captured by God-knew-what-or-who. Keith was quite relaxed for a change, intense orange-brown eyes flicking up as the little bell rang comfortingly. As Validus held the door open for him, he slid inside, nodding briefly to him. "Thanks, love~" His pet names did not know the difference between genders. A small smile had found its way onto his face and remained there as he eventually looked towards the man he didn't know, raising an eyebrow at him.

"'Ello," was his greeting, unmistakeably English. Keith moved away from Validus, interested in this little place and the feeling of comfort it gave him. His fingers twitched against bony hips, tapping to a silent rhythm as he walked a few steps forwards, looked around, then did the same in another direction, and looked around again. "Hm." He was craving tea. Keith sniffed. He sniffed again. The guitarist cleared his throat, looking from one man to the other for a few seconds before abruptly his interest was caught by something else.

Unsteady legs carried him rather shakily towards one of the various shelves, curious rum-coloured eyes flicking over assorted trinkets and suchlike. He didn't give much of a damn about boundaries; if he wanted to pick something up he was bloody well going to do so. He was just about to lift a particularly interesting-looking something-or-other when something fell from him with a soft thump, and his eyes widened. Hastily, Keith stooped to pick it up, praying to fuck that no-one had seen the powdery substance contained in the tiny bag. No-one needed to know that shit.

The bag was swiftly pushed back where it had been tucked before; trapped in his waistband, quite securely, in fact, because his trousers had no pockets but god damn they were tight around the hips. He was surprised that the little bag had actually fallen out, but then, he'd forgotten it was there. Completely forgotten. Must have had it tucked in too high, otherwise it would've just sat in...his trousers, and not fallen over his waistband and onto the floor.

The black-haired man really, really hoped they hadn't realised what was in it. He hoped he hadn't been too obvious about it being something he didn't want people to see. What he really didn't want was Validus thinking he was some junkie bastard, because he wasn't. He didn't touch the stuff as much as he could have. He wasn't even an addict; it was recreational for him, something to relax him, or take his mind off of things. Another thing he didn't want was this stranger, whoever he was - Keith naturally assumed they were friends, to some degree at least - thinking that Keith was a dealer, and worse, Validus' dealer. Surely he'd never think the blonde would do drugs? Keith couldn't see it. At all.

Keith pretended nothing had happened. He couldn't be fucked thinking of a convincing lie. He couldn't be bothered smiling and laughing, saying 'oh, silly me, dropped the flour/sugar/other unconvincing substance!' like an idiot. So he simply stood there, looking at them. Surprisingly, he didn't look worried; relaxed still, perhaps...a little stoned-looking, but that was because his eyelids were dark. And he hadn't slept in a while. His gaze flickered between the two, quiet.

With Keith walking off to

With Keith walking off to curiously look over a bookshelf, Validus let go of the door to walk up to the counter, putting a hand on the edge and leaning his weight onto it. Steven straightened up and glanced at Keith before looking at Validus.

"Who's he?" He asked, tossing his head in Keith's direction.

"Um.. well that's-" Validus started, but then a soft thunk cut him off and both men looked toward Keith. Steven tried to see what had dropped, making sure it wasn't one of the shop owner's prized, breakable collectibles, but he wasn't able to see what it was before the stranger shoved it back in his... belt? Well, whatever it was, it had to have been small. And everything seemed in order on the shelf. As long as the man wasn't stealing anything...

"Anyway, as I was sayin'. Steven, this is Keith. Keith, Steven." Validus said quickly before he could be interrupted again.

Steven smiled somewhat, a tiny tug at the edges of his lips. He barely ever smiled, mostly sitting there with an indifferent expression, but he was trying to be welcoming. "Nice to meet you. Did you guys want something?" His eyes flicked between Validus and Keith momentarily.

"I'm still trying to decide. Keith, you can go ahead." Validus said, stepping back from the counter to give his companion some room to approach.

AA He'd forgotten why they


He'd forgotten why they were there for a second, but was relieved that neither of them seemed bothered by his little slip-up. All forgotten. Keith looked towards the brown-eyed man, nodding briefly, quite used to being around people that never smiled. For a moment he hesitated, feeling awkward; it was so informal, did he have to approach the counter? Really? He decided against it. "Uh, if you do know, breakfast tea." Keith shrugged, and then looked at Validus, remembering something - he half-pointed at the blonde, frowning. "An' you, rubber duck, fuckin' order something, an' remember I'm payin'."

He moved around again, brushing past Validus to examine a particular couch, staring at it. It reminded him of someone's house, but he couldn't quite remember whose. The scruffbucket gave a short hum and turned again, this time narrowly avoiding walking into his new acquaintance, muttering to himself as he half-staggered to the side. "Christ." He sniffed, a hand on his hip, looking around again.

Eventually, his gaze rested on Steven again. "Bit of a weird time to open at, wot with everythin' else bein' shut 'n all."
Nimariel's picture

Myszka gave a small snort of

Myszka gave a small snort of laughter. This guy- Keith? was a riot. He lay his head flat on its side against the stone they sat on so the coolness could numb at least one side of his face and get rid of the warmth that nerves always brought. "I should ask you the same, that I should..." he mumbled aimlessly. The butterfly from earlier drifted back their way and landed on the furry tip of Keith's black ear. It was either a queen, viceroy, or monarch; he couldn't tell which, and didn't really care. "Say, have you ever wanted to fly?" he asked unexpectedly.
This land is made of love and peace!

Rubber duck? Really? Validus

Rubber duck? Really? Validus gave Keith an amused look before turning back to Steven, who was already pulling some supplies out of a cabinet in the counter. Dark grey-blue eyes blinked in surprise. Validus thought for a second there that he would have to explain or just mouth the words for "hot tea." But, considering the dirty-blonde worked in the cafe everyday, it would make sense that he would know what Keith had meant.

"Just some coffee, then." Steven nodded and started moving furiously around behind the counter, mostly with his back to the other men.

Leaning against a sturdy bookshelf that, fortunately, actually held books instead of breakable objects, Validus watched as Keith wandered around, almost like a curious dog. Leaning himself out of the way as Keith staggered by, he felt his eyes narrow, watching him like with a look of mixed curiosity and almost suspicion. It was as if the guy was a paranoid wreck. Much like a certain sister would be sometimes. Although much less these days...

"Well..." Came Steven's voice from the other side of the room, breaking Val's chain of thought. Blinking, he turned his gaze to look at Steven, then back at Keith, who was turned toward the taller man working behind the register. Oh, he must have asked Steven a question. "The boss likes to stay open a little later, mostly because we sell more than just coffee and tea. Ice cream, sandwiches, things like that. Not meal-worthy stuff, except the sandwiches at lunch, but... yeah. Plus, I'm okay with the 'long shift'. I don't mind a little extra cash and I don't have anywhere to go, unless that kid or another buddy of ours invites me somewhere."

Steven turned around then, holding two cups in his hand. Both were steaming. "Order up. Sugar and stuff is over there." Putting the cups down beside the register, he pointed to a smaller counter are the far wall where there was different containers holding things like packs of sugar, creamer, and napkins.
Echosong's picture

*Tracking* I'd like to

I'd like to role-play sometime... I your not to busy already.

Nimariel Keith kept himself


Keith kept himself still as the butterfly landed delicately upon his ear, though the urge to flick it away was almost unbearable. He didn't pay much attention to it, distracted now by his companion, watching him carefully. "Wanted to--?" He frowned, ears flicking briefly; the butterfly fluttered away from him hastily. "Wanted to fly? Not really. Figure I'm meant to stay on the ground." A chuckle; he tilted his head curiously. "Do you wanna fly?"


In response to the stranger's explanation about why the place was open so late, Keith merely nodded and gave a short hum, as if saying 'fair enough'. He was starting to fidget again, fingers twitching as if they itched to hold onto something, or scratch at it. His own restlessness was starting to irritate him; he wanted to stay still, if only for ten goddamn seconds.

Steven turned, and the scruffbucket's stomach flipped joyously; bit of an overreaction for a cup of tea, but he'd missed the stuff, and tea was even better than Jack Daniels, though he'd never admit it. The jet-haired man flashed a fleeting smile, though his eyes didn't quite meet the shop-owner's. "Cheers, how much will that cost?" He asked as he felt the place where he would have had pockets on any other pair of trousers.

All he had was that little bag tucked between his hip and waistband. Fuck, that was stupid. How could he have forgotten that he didn't have his wallet? Was that even possible? What an idiot. He sighed, running a hand through messy hair, glancing towards Steven and not going near the cups of tea just incase the other decided not to give him it since he couldn't pay.

"...Can I uh, pay for that tomorrow?" He asked awkwardly, frowning. "I don't 'ave me fucking wallet, I forgot. Pocketless trousers." A brief, amber-eyed glance towards Validus. "So, erm, unless you'd like me to become a prostitute very briefly, I sort of can't pay." He didn't apologise solely because Keith almost never said he was sorry to someone, unless it was very serious. He didn't usually say please, either, solely because he refused to plead for anyone.

Admittedly, he was a bit annoyed with himself for not realising sooner, particularly when he'd been feeling his trousers not five minutes beforehand. As unapologetic as he was, he still didn't like being an inconvenience to people, and now he felt he'd made a very stupid impression.

[ Echosong; asdf that'd be awesome, yes ;; I'm never too busy for more roleplays ♥ ]
Kumiko's picture

(Umm....Let's just assume he

(Umm....Let's just assume he was pulled out of the Forest/his home for a mission. A very long, secret mission that required him to go undercover or something for awhile. So, yeah. Heh.

We can either do it as deer in the Forest when he returns or in the real world. A part of me can see Sax stalking him down for some reason or another.)
Embyr's picture

Fffffffff why aren't I

Fffffffff why aren't I tracking?
I'd love to jump on the bandwagon, but all I have to RP with is..

-a neurotic doe who's scared of her shadow
-and a babbeh who doesn't speak yet. >8l

[ Embyr; AAAH you ;; ♥

[ Embyr; AAAH you ;; ♥ feel free to just JUMP IN whenever you feel like it regardless pffffff |: <3 ]


[ let's DO this sfskdfh forgive me if my writing's crap |: exams kind of kill my brain ]

Trying to describe how she felt would be like trying to describe what colours were to a blind man - not that she really had anybody to talk to about it, not after her closest friend had outright attacked her, verbally, and left her wondering if she could really trust him at all. For a long time she had been waiting to see him again, the one Agent 5 disapproved of, the one Agent 5 was constantly asking her about. For a long time, she had watched him slipping from her, caught up with the others. Caught up with creatures that hated her, creatures that had attacked him and yet there he had been, always with them, and never with her.

And so it infuriated her that she was seeking him out, rather than the other way around, but what vexed her more was that she was looking forward to reuniting with him despite this. It was approaching evening and the sun was sinking swiftly down past the rooftops that she so often clamboured onto, casting its warm, burning shadow over the streets until suddenly, gone, leaving the air to grow cold again.

For once in her life she was travelling unarmed, her precious, murderous dagger left elsewhere and her usual clothing nowhere to be found; Sax was wearing jeans for once, and a black jacket zipped up to keep her from growing too cold. She didn't feel threatened anymore, not here, and she was quite certain that her previous choices of clothing had made her stand out rather than blend in. Not that her goddamn hair didn't do that anyway, but that wasn't something she knew how to change; it was still a stark white, scruffy, as it had always been.

Suddenly she wasn't sure how long she had been following him. Suddenly, she wasn't sure if she could bring herself to greet him. She was sure it would turn into a confrontation, but pride was restricting her, telling her not to reveal to the man that she'd ever cared about his disappearance. But he knew she cared, didn't he? She'd opened up to him before, and that was proof, wasn't it?

Saxophone found herself growing nervous as her footsteps quickened, but just as she was nearing him, just as she was about to do it, to speak - her nerves failed her and sent her skittering hastily into the nearest available hiding place, a narrow alleyway leading behind some buildings. She wished it didn't exist - that she hadn't had the chance to escape.

Maybe he'd turn around. Cypher wasn't stupid, after all. Surely he'd know if he was being followed? Had she really been quiet enough to evade his senses? If he'd only keep walking, she could follow again. She'd do it this time.

Embyr's picture

adfdsfsd no YOU

adfdsfsd no YOU <3 I will then. <_< *jumps in with a splash*

I'll use Sam, I suppose, because Faraji doesn't even SPEAK yet and all he can do is sit and stare at you with big, mournful eyes. :l Pick anyone you want to interact with her;all your characters are awesomesauce.
MickKreiger's picture

-flits in- You pick this

-flits in-

You pick this time.

Validus and Steven exchanged

Validus and Steven exchanged glances after Keith's last comment. Steven looked like he was trying not to crack up because of the suggestion, and Validus could only stare.

"I got a better idea. I'll pay this time. You can pay me back later." He was used to paying for other people, actually. Kyle made him pay all the time when they went somewhere. But that was how Validus was raised, chivalrous. Sometimes he hated it because he felt like a pushover, but he couldn't help it.

Validus tugged the leather wallet from his back pocket, flipping it open and pulling out a few bills. A quick transaction and he grabbed the steaming mug, suddenly dying to drink it when the smell hit him.

Quickly making his way through the tables, Validus came up to the small counter on the opposite side of the shop. He grabbed as much creamer and sugar as he needed and began mixing. It was a really strange habit, really. He wouldn't crave something until he saw or smelled it. Especially if it had sugar. Maybe he was a sugarholic. He shook his head as he turned around again to face the others.

"Sit wherever ya want, man. Couch, chair... wherever you're most comfortable." He grinned and leaned against a bookcase, taking that first, wonderful sip. Rich and sweet, just perfect.
Alyssa035's picture

Hi. Can I rp?

Hi. Can I rp?
The man with the key is king,
And honey you should see me in a crown.
Kumiko's picture

(I have an idea but before

(I have an idea but before jumping into it, is it ok if Migisi is there as well if Shi is up to it? Or would you prefer this being a personal reunite between Cypher and Sax?)

[ That's fine with me if it's

[ That's fine with me if it's fine with Shi c: I'm not the best at threeway RPs, but I'll give it a go. ]
Kumiko's picture

How long had it been? Four

How long had it been?
Four weeks?
Five weeks?

He truthfully did not know. Time seen non-existent in the barren outbacks of Australia where he and Migisi had spent the pass sixty days. Cypher sat in front of the desk in the corner street travel agency, he gazed out into the bustling streets of Manchester. The cool spring afternoons had been replaced with the hotter temperatures of a blossoming summer. A frown pulled on his lips; he felt as if an era had gone by. Though it was not like anyone would have noticed he had vanished. His home - having been property of AoM - had gone cared for by their cleaning and lawn services. All his bills were handled by the finance department. Even his car as driven periodically to give the neighborhood an impression that someone frequently left and returned to the home. A life went on without him even being there.

"There you are, Mr. Smith," the travel agent cheerfully broke the silence as he placed some freshly printed papers into a manilla envelope. "Everything is in order and your 'special' shipment is being transported as we speak. Shall I notify your cryozology department?"

"Cryptozoology, and no. I shall handle all the necessary paperwork. You just ensure the samples are delivered as discussed previously," rising from his seat, Cypher placed his fedora upon his head. The dark fabric of the hat seemed entirely out of place compared to the rest of his casual attire - an off-white button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up and khaki colored slacks. However, he felt the need to wear it. Almost as if the hat brought a sense of comfort regarding something he had once forgotten.

Weary blue eyes met the agent's sparkling browns. The two men gave a polite smile as the shook hands, though Cypher had to force his. The deal was sealed; the mission had finally been completed. It was now time for him to return home and rest. An idea that the exhausted Englishman was desperate to return to.

His once pale European skin had now tanned and charred from the exposure to the sun. Hair had grown in length and thickened as it had been sometime since he had it cut. Scruffy facial hair ran along the sides of his jawbone and rounded his chapped lips beneath his pointed nose; a shower and a shave were among the first things to do when he settled back home. Multiple cuts and fading bruises ran up along his bare arms, giving small insight into the ordeals he endured while away. Picking up the dufflebag that sat beside his feet, Cypher turned while patting Migisi on the shoulder as he motioned for her to follow. With a sigh of relief, he stepped out into the urban environment once again.

A faint breeze blew past him. Rustling the extended bangs around his head as sweat dried. He took a second to take in the air. Indulging himself in the scents of the city life that he had grown to miss as he waited for his companion to exit the building behind him. Perhaps it was in this moment of reconnection that she saw him. At least, it would have given her an opportunity to recognize him even in his unclean state. As Cypher's pace picked up to his normal speed, he heard footsteps racing up behind him. He turned to see a familiar face forcing its way through the crowd.
Shiori's picture

[Really sorry about the wait

[Really sorry about the wait ._. My muse needed a kick in the ass. I'm good now DX]

Migisi shifted on her feet, pale blue eyes idly wandering the small office. Her lips were persistently fixed at the end of a wide red straw, pressing down at she sucked the contents of the cold cup into her mouth. Through the clear plastic, a bright red slush sunk lower and lower. The strawberry syrup stained her mouth and added artificial color to her pale lips, but she was none the wiser, too lost in the taste and the sensation of tiny ice crystals on her tongue; and, of course, boredom.

She watched the interaction with little interest. After what they had just been through, very little was holding her interest at the moment. Rest might have been on the brunette's mind, but Migisi was ready for more. was good to be back home. Her eyes had brightened the moment they had returned to town. She knew this place by heart, and the feeling warmed her. Perhaps that was why, upon seeing a street booth on their drive there advertising the icy drinks, she had insisted on getting one. Ah, sweet familiarity... The woman was eager to see more. Had anything changed while they were gone? What were they still doing here? Finally releasing her hold on the straw, she rocked back on her heels and sighed, narrowing her eyes a bit on the conversing gentleman before turning her gaze to the front window. The blinds were cracked and bright light filtered through, and she could see the people passing outside, dressed to keep cool and basking in the rare sunshine. Still, compared to the returning duo, they were a pale lot and had she any shame, Migisi might have felt under-dressed. She had refused to to settle on anything more than her drab green tank-top and cuffed denim capris. Her once pale skin was now a warm olive, pulling the focus from her dark hair to her pale eyes...and the lighter bands of flesh across her shoulders where various pieces of clothing had blocked the sun.

Speaking of her shoulder, Cypher's hand there made her jump. Blinking past her thoughts of their recent trip, she turned and raised a brow at him meeting his eye only briefly before he moved passed and headed for the door. She stepped eagerly behind him. Finally! As the door opened, the sounds of the city came to life again. Her mind welcomed the new distractions. Eyes lifted and scanned the buildings, the faces of passing strangers and the colors and shapes of the different vehicles as they passed. Cypher's own car was parked somewhere near the sidewalk up ahead... Where would they go next? The office? Home? Her tongue peeked out and swept over her lips, cleaning them of any lingering sticky sweetness. That's when she too heard the footsteps. Not overly concerned, she threw a disinterested glance behind her shoulder just as Cypher did the same. They both stopped at once, and stared.

man guys I'm sorry my muse is

man guys I'm sorry my muse is just...dead for these roleplays sdfjsfh, particularly SaxMigCyph because like--I'm awful at three-way roleplays :c My writing feels really inferior compared to you guys, haha...
I feel awful now sdfsjhdf because I know fine well I'm going to make a new RP blog in like ten minutes
this always happens hnnnng I'm sorry

EDIT: plus like with Rut and Keith like--it's all...out of date now and stuff /die sdfksjdhf
Shiori's picture

It isn't out of date...they

It isn't out of date...they just got back DX

Anyway...I'll pull out of it, if that helps. You could just disregard my post...

nonono Shi DD; the others are

nonono Shi DD; the others are out of date and sdfkjsdhf IdunnoIfeellikeadickaugh
if I offended you
Shiori's picture

Yeah, does kind of suck ^^'

Yeah, does kind of suck ^^' Hm.