
Lhor's picture

Soil and Femke


Here are some screenshots which show my deer Femke and the deer of WhiteHikari Soil.
(The screenshots were taken at 14th October 09)
Visit our Deer Biographies if you want! ;P



Sorry for my absence, school is taking up a lot of time. I also took a break.

I'm not sure how long I can be on, mostly on the weekends though. Smiling The new site is a bit confusing.. but looks great!
Maria's picture

My Deer Updates, Online!

My Deer Updates


  • Nonchalant

  • " ... "

  • Wandering.

<3. Maria
Halafax's picture

Requests {CLOSED} (14/14 completed)

Click 'Read More' for completed requests


Just so you know

I am sorry for leaving so much when I’m in the forest. Sometimes I forget that I left it on b/c I get busy doing other things. And most likely this will happen quite a bit. I just didn’t want anyone to think I am ignoring them. Long story as to what is keeping me busy..lets just say I have kids to take care of and I don’t mean the human kind. LOL HECK NO! I mean goat babies. They have to eat like every 4 hours. They were just born yesterday, so I check on them a lot.
Pegasicorn's picture

2009 Wishlist [Secret Santa Aid]

Yep, you can tell what this is by the title. It's to help out whoever my Secret Santa is/will be.

New and needs halp.

As stated above. I'm a 15(put the wrong age, really 13.) year old emo-y-ish person place or thing with to much homework and horrbile at Japanese. Whoorahh.
As for the halp-ness, I can't edit my info. It only shows my username on my email thing and I can't type in the box, screeny of it in a sec.
Screeny below, and in a few minutes, once this god idiotic computer loads it, I'll be in the forest.
Zergarikiaka's picture


I wnted to briefly appologise for any drama I might have started (and caused domino effect theirof) this past few days/week.
I suppose a lot of the madness of my irl life has been getting to me and perhaps showing threw my characters, even in their RP'd selves.

See, this week I've had three relataves die, two of them being quite close and one I didn't really know much. (actually, a cousin, aunt, and step-cousin respectively.)
On top of the madness of projects, tests, homework, and work... I've been kind of depressed, and stressed.

Please do not take me at all personal or at all offensive. I never intend to cause any drama.


Newb says hi... also lil help?

Hey all. I'm Monstarous, or Monstar, or Karis. I'm your average 18 year old guy with too much time on his hands.
So. Yeah This is just me saying Hi.

So. The Lil help i need?
I'm having a few problems useing my joypad with the game, half of the actions don't work with it, though when i unplug it and use keyboard + mouse they all work fine.
Am i doing something wrong or his the game generally not too compatable with joypads?

Either way, hope to see ya'll around, hopefully i'll start developing my deer, Monstar, soon. Smiling
Fahnette's picture

And two become one...

The second happiest night of my life thus far was the night when he sat next to me on the couch and, with a Mr. Flibble glove puppet and a lovely peridot Claddagh, asked me to be his wife.

The happiest night...
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