{Speaking to the Wind}{Interaction}

Whyss's picture
So I see these quite a bit around the site, that people have made - places where you can ask a deer something, or have a spot of roleplay, or any kind of interaction, and since I don't have access to an IM, I thought this might be a good place to have a roleplay or two or meetings between deer :>

Please feel free to drop by and leave a message, or strike up a conversation. Whyss can usually be found hiding behind a tree and listening in on someone else's conversation somewhere; Garzim is a Ruins sort of fellow; Malicious prefers to loiter by the Pond, but carefully just out of reach of Crocodile's long jaws; and Empty Child and Shoe can be found just about anywhere!
Willet's picture

Whisper felt like pukeing at

Whisper felt like pukeing at the site of the pour littel fawn "I...im sorry i amn not you mother dearest one"! he said calmly but with a bit of alarm. he walked over and stood dierectly infront of the fawn. "Whats the matter"!?
Whyss's picture

"Sggggk... Mummy... I

"Sggggk... Mummy... I don't... feel good..." The black lenses cleared briefly - but nothing but blackness could be seen beyond them. "I want my Mummy..."

Can't help but pop in and say

Can't help but pop in and say "bawwww! D8
Willet's picture

Whiaper chewed his lip and

Whiaper chewed his lip and walked closely to the fawm "Dear littel fawn..I am but a friend and I whish to help you...do you want my help"?