Oh you know it! (Perplex's Survey)

quadraptor's picture
I love doing surveys Eye

Snatched from this entry

1. First operation: I had oral surgery before I got braces
2. First piercing: None yet, might not get any.
3. First bestfriend: Chris H. from middle school
4. First award: I got a service award in middle school band, but I know I've had some before that.
5. First sport: Basketball
6. First pet: A cat named Socks
7. First vacation: One I remember was Mt. Cheaha in northern Alabama.
8. First kiss: Someone I had a crush on in middle school
9. First love: Basically the same as above, but it wasn't true love.

Right Now.
10. Eating: Sweet tarts
11. Drinking: RC Cola Eye
12. I'm going to: go to work in 2 hours :<
13. I'm listening to: songs stuck in my head
14. Wainting for: Thanksgiving (and Christmas and my Birthday too)
15. Wearing: T-shirt, khaki pants, and tennis shoes.

My Future.
16. Do you want kids: Not really sure
17. Do you want to get married: Maybe
18. What do you want to be: A geologist
19. Do you want to study after High School: Already there
20. If you won a million: Probably give some to my family, use a little for myself, and donate the rest.

21. Do you like wearing socks: Of course
22. Which song describes you: "Thrift Store Suitcase" by Hamelin
3. What is your favorite music genre: Punk Rock but I like everything.
24. What was your favorite thing to watch on TV when you was kid: Lots of stuff but I'll pick something so Beast Wars Laughing out loud
25. What kind of mobile do you have: If you mean cell phone, then a Samsung Glyde
26. Do you have orthodontics (if it's that's the word): Used to
27. What place is the last place you ate at: O'Charlies
28. What's your favorite movie: I like a lot of them. Starship Troopers is one of my all-time favorites.

What do you like the best..?
29. Lips or eyes: eyes
30. Hugs or kisses: hugs
31. Taller or lower: lower

Have you ever..?
32. Kissed a stranger: not that i can remember
33. Lied to get attention: Yeah... :\
34. Been in a musical/show: I was a ballet/tap dancer at a theatre for a while
35. Been in a chat room: Of course
36. Broke someone's heart: Don't think I've even had anyone's heart to break.
37. Liked a friend more than another friend: I'm sure I have.

Do you belive on..?
38. Yourself: I guess so...I know I'm not ambitious but I trust myself not to be a lowsy person.
39. Miracles: Yeah
40. Ghosts: Yes
41. Santa: Used to.
42. Sex on first date: Hell no!
43. Angels: Yeah