
I have been lost
This darkness knows no light
Walking around like a ghost
With no purpose

No will of which to speak
It seemed as if the fire in me
Was totally gone
No person or thing
That I could find
Would stir this heart

And light it on fire.
My strength wanes like the moon
And the steady thrum of the waves
Could easily drag me under.



I dare not say it but I am
I have lost what matters most
No chance of getting it back
No second chance is willed to me

I am stranded in the darkness
My light ,my energy is being slowly drawn from me
But I can not fight it

The dreams I once held so dear
Have evaporated like a cloud of vapor

Sleep it seems to be my only rock
I am tired beyond belief
Even after countless hours of sleep

I hate what I have become
For there is no future in this
No happiness that I can forsee
I am lost
But it was me who walks this path
I expect no one to help