xxonn1's blog

Larr's picture

Larr's Christmas presents list--

- hoof shine polish
- peanut butter
- a wonder berry pie
- another wonder berry pie
- a snowman with a carrot nose
- a Christmas gnome
----------------- a Christmas pie
----------------- a bottle of magic pixie potion
----------------- a big fat pudding

( I will add to this list 'cause Larr has been a good boy and deserves nice presents Smiling )


have aice day ..

Sticking out tongue
Larr's picture

Larr's wonderous fantastical dream ..

Larr - '' I had a wonderous fantastical dream the other night .. ''

Larr's picture

I'm going to the forest now ..

yes I am Smiling
Larr's picture

I will face the terror !!

I will face that big ol' zombie if he comes around my end of the forest. Dont worry everyone - Larr is here now, you are safe. I will give him what for if I see him, thats for sure..
Larr's picture


The zombies are coming, Run !! RUN I tell you !! Run for your lives if you know whats good for you !!
Larr's picture

Larr's Message

I am a vegetarian because I have love for all Gods animals great and small. I know they are living spirits the same as humans and that they desire to live just the same. I know that they dont like pain and suffering any more than humans do. Its the same for all life great and small. The world can be a harsh place for all who live in it and no one can be tuely free from its troubles. But humans do have the power to choose - will an animal die for me or not ? If I eat them, then an animal will die every day for me, but if I dont then not one animal will die for me all year round. Big difference. To live by love and kindness for all life is the deepest spiritual way.

If you agree say YEAA !! If you want to speak your view here feel free. I hope I didnt offend. I hope you dont mind me saying it here but I feel strongly about it.

I am Larr of the Forest and this is my way forever.

- Larr -
Larr's picture

Larr and the Squirrels

The squirrels were chuckin pine cones at me again today - those pests !! Why do they always do this to me ? And Im sure they were chirpin obsenities at me and laughing.
Larr's picture

Larr's Big Blog Entry

I lost all my screen shots .. pooop .. the bad pixies came and took them all away. You were probly in some of them aswell lookin cooler the ever.. bahhh now you'll never know. And all mushrooms sets aswell. He used to look well splendid dressed in his orange set. These days he's lookin kinda funny dressed up in any old thing.

I'm gonna go eat some wonder berries now ...
Larr's picture

Hello Forest !!!!!

I was away with the fairys.. well they tricked me with magic berries.. Rascals .. I just got back to the forest now. How nice to see you again ..!! Smiling
Larr's picture

I talk to the trees ...

.. thats why they put me away ... Sticking out tongue
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