xhunter's blog

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(updates) ShadowX

i would like everyone to know ShadowX because he is my current deer in the forest.

what happened lately: to day ShadowX got a new long mask. he will not have to look for another so he dosn't have to tell his apprentice that he lost it. Smiling he had recovered it from two kind deer. a small miny deer and one with candle antler he was so greatful of the others. he sensed somthing in the woods today. he saw a pure white deer that made him jump and run. but he is sory he ran away, no hard feelings.

current thought: "something happened in the woods today, not shore what!"

Name: ShadowX
Parents: are unknown
others think about him: an ancent leagond, he does not have to eat or drink, is immortal
current mood: stars out at the forest and thinks

Occoupations at the moment: telling the future and seeing visions of other deer, a teacher to Nim his little apprentice, chase off evil, sickness, and the likes.

current pelt: Star of Vesta suit

the present to the star of Vesta suit: is the gift from the star Vesta that helps him save the forest in great needs.
*blue and yellow pelt
*many masks
*feather antlers or changing antlers,

most common set: future teller: used for jobs
*black,white and red pelt
*feather antlers
*long mask

current theme songs:

current vidieo i saw
xhunter's picture

'clone day feb 21'

clone set for today
clone sleepers

*clone suit*
peacock pelt
Horn antlers
Long masks


-* near the brige and mows, touch the ground, and rears*=the race of large and small ( this one will be posted on the 'clone day feb 21' score board.) this race is between deer and small animals. who will win the honor the deer or the small animales? the rules are simple you line up in front of the bridge. -i will show you how myself- all small animals and deer are to be evenly lined up. when i give the sign *me mowing.* you will run around the edge of the pond and after that you will go to the crying statue (the one that's close to the pond and turns you red.) then you will go around it and back to the starting line. this will determen if small animles or the deer win. if theres no small animles i will put a name down of the deer on the blog.

-*me or others start danceing.* this one will be whenever. there are no rules so dance all you what! you don't have to, but if you do dance try to get the loudest of the music i will post it!

-*mows, touch ground and runs* invashion! liston up deer and animles this one is like follow the leader. this will be starting at the pond and ending back at the pond. you follow me or somone else however is leading and run to all the sites or out into deep woods!

-*touch ground and mows* going to the playground. all deer and animles can run to the playground you need to start at the pond and run! the party will last for the last of the day there. a dance party is there. play and have fun.
have any more ideas tell me

main activitys start at 12:00 in the after noon.
have fun!

talk to everyone and have fun here!
will be updated after all the fun!
sleeping deer will be cloned! LOL
xhunter's picture

book ideas for bord people (updated)

this is a lest of books that i have read so far. they are ideas for people who are bord. tell me if there is any books that need to be add and a rating of 1-10 if you like the book. hope you like, please ask questions if you have them. ages 18 or under books will be allowed in. if there are games or movies about them i will put them there with site of the books. i will rate them from 1 to 10 please enjoys this. *Bows and lets read*
Shocked = great book
Smiling =good book
Sad =bad book

*The Legend of Drizzt
The Legend of Drizzt Book 1: Homeland
The Legend of Drizzt Book 2: Exile= 8 Smiling
The Legend of Drizzt Book 3: Sojourn
The Legend of Drizzt Book 4: The Crystal Shard
The Legend of Drizzt Book 5: Streams of Silver
The Legend of Drizzt Book 6: The Halfling's Gem
The Legend of Drizzt Book 7: The Legacy
The Legend of Drizzt Book 8: Starless Night
The Legend of Drizzt Book 9: Siege of Darkness
The Legend of Drizzt Book 10: Passage to Dawn
The Legend of Drizzt Book 11: The Silent Blade
The Legend of Drizzt Book 12: The Spine of the World
The Legend of Drizzt Book 13: Servant of the Shard
The Legend of Drizzt Book 14: Sea of Swords
The Legend of Drizzt Book 15: The Thousand Orcs
The Legend of Drizzt Book 16: The Lone Drow=10 Shocked
The Legend of Drizzt Book 17: The Two Swords
The Legend of Drizzt Book 18: The Orc King
The Legend of Drizzt Book 19: The Pirate King

Dragon and Thief=8 Smiling
Dragon and soldier=9 Shocked
Dragon and slave=8 Smiling
Dragon and herdsman= 10 Shocked
Dragon and judge

*bionicle (for bionicle lovers)
BIONICLE Adventures #1: Mystery of Metru Nui= 10 Shocked
BIONICLE Adventures #2: Trial by the Fire=8 Smiling
BIONICLE Adventures #3: The Darkness Below
BIONICLE Adventures #4: Legends of Metru Nui
BIONICLE Adventures #5: Voyage of the Fear
xhunter's picture

story (warning may scare :)

hope you like this story i made it about three deer.
ShadowX, Nim, and Stardust.

The rainy night

ShadowX lie within the large tree. The large tree was his home he shared with others. Others came and left without talking to him, they learned that it was no use. But today was different.

ShadowX looked out at the forest. For the first time in monthes it was raining! Under his long mask he smiled. The rain is good. “ShadowX?” came a female voice. Looking over he saw a doe standing in the rain. “Come in, it’s raining out there, … what is the problem Ms?” he said standing up and pointed in. Bowing the doe entered.

Nim sat in the corner looking at ShadowX. He looked out at the rain wanting to go and play. This was the first time he’d seen the falling of water from the sky. He’d asked Shadow if he could go and play but he’d only said no. his reason was that there would be a visitor seeking help. Nim looked around for something to play with. There was,… voices? He looked at the lip of the opening on the tree. He saw Shadow talking. Moments past before he saw a doe with a cool dark blue pelt with yellow stares on it walk in.

ShadowX looked at the doe and breathed. First one of the week, she was Stardust he’d only met her one’s in one of his visions that meant he knew her problem but it was only right to let her speak.

Stardust looked at the far corner and saw the grey fawn looking at her. She liked fawn and likes of small animals but she did not go near the little one. She looked at ShadowX and said, “Look I came from the shine to find you, can you come?” “Yes I may come,” he said. Looking back to the fawn she stepped out.

Nim looked up at the others and stood. He learned that he had to fallow shadow wherever they went and do everything he says.
xhunter's picture

clone day thinking

what if there was a clone day in the forest! Smiling
and everyone would choose the same pelts, antlers and masks!
if so what would be the funnest pelt, antler, and masks mixes?
and every one would take a picture of there deer and others!
those pictures would be funny. Smiling
Welcome to clone days!

i have thought of some days.
1st one will be feb. the 21, 2009
i will be in the forest takeing pictures so if you see me logining in and out all day it's making pictures!
remember too bring your to clone sleepers!

you may tell me if there is another suit you prefer though! we will change it if you what! Smiling

if you come, have fun. it's an all day thing threwout the day. be a clone part of the day and yourself the other. if you see me there will be games. don't worry if you see me going in and out of the forest though. i will be making pictures of the activitys. if i can i will post them on the site if i can figure out how. have an idea of an activity for the clones? tell me!
remember this is a groups idea. tell me if the day needs to be changed to fit for as meny people as possible.
i will be close to the pond if im there. there will be little critters if they what to come.

here are some activitys for the deer. remember threwout the activitys i will be takeing pictures so if i logout close by i'm making pictures.
xhunter's picture

first story about my deer in the forest

i now call my deer ShadowX but on the sight it's xhunter Smiling
please tell me what you think!
A apprentice for ShadowX

ShadowX lie within the tangle of tall grass that made up the Blue Berries. He’d chosen the spot so he could watch the other deer go about there lives without them seeing him. For his entire life he’s been alone. Looking over at his fur he saw the strange symbols on him. His fur was white with a large Black spot that reached out at some red bots. His antlers where made of blue and red feathers that stood up above a long piece of normal antler. His legs were long and black. For days he’d sat there watching The others go about there lives.
In truth he was cursed when he was a fawn, he was born with the strange antlers that allowed him to change his appearance. His gift was to see the future of the forest. ShadowX in the past was taught by seven deer and the twin gods themselves, so he was in no need of training. His job to the forest was to see the other futures and chase off evil, sickness, and the likes. He did not need to eat or drink because he was immortal, but he did anyway. Looking up he yawned and got up. His mask got pulled on by his hooves and he flinched. He twitched his head and fallowed the path closest to the trees to the river, making shore the others did not see him. He stopped at the side of a young willow and walked quickly over to tall grass and looked at a group of sleeping deer. ShadowX stood for five minutes then walked to the water and drank.
“ShadowX?” said a voice from behind. He stopped and looked up and over his shoulder. He saw a young grey fawn standing looking at him. “what are you doing?” “Nothing, go away,” he said and turned away to leave. “You were drinking, I thought you did not need to drink or eat,” the fawn said running up to him and fallowed on his heels. “normally I don’t, go away,” he said with his ears back.
xhunter's picture

Respect our earth!=yes another poem *cheers to* :)

this poem is for fun and hope you all like it. Smiling
it reminds us of the emportance of the ecosystems and the elements around the world. *cheers to*
*forests *deserts *oceans * artics *plains *mountions *swamps
this is one of my gratest poems of all of my blogs Smiling

IF the rain ever listen to the sun there would be no rain,
If there were no rain there would be no oceans,
If there were no oceans there soon would be no lakes,
Without the lakes the rivers would fold and the streams would perish,
That is the end of all water,

WITHOUT water the plants would follow,
The ancient trees would fall,
If the ancient trees would fall the flowers would die under the basking sky,
Without the plants all creatures would soon follow,
The end of all life,

WITHOUT water and life there would be no winds,
The winds would die without the grateful oxen,
The winds would perish as the rest,
There would be no distant sigh no longer,
The ending of wind,

WITHOUT water, wind and life the ice would perish,
The climates would rise folding the cold,
Little by little the snow would melt,
Till there is no more,
The ending of ice,

WITHOUT water, wind, ice and life the deserts would rise,
There would only be deserts stretching under the skies,
There would only be stone,
The time would pass and the day would come,
The basking stone would turn to lava,
The end of stone,

WITHOUT water, wind, ice, life and stone the fire would come,
The corpses that have perished under the deserts would burn,
Till the last corpse is burned,
The end of fire,

WITHOUT water, wind, ice, life, stone and fire the mountains would fall,
The lava would sink it’s teeth into the last of earth,
Till there are no earth,
The end of earth,

WITHOUT all there elements the earth would become a sun,
The lava in the magnetic core would turn the sun into a
A small magnet the earth is to be to pull other plants closer,
xhunter's picture

'distant winds'

Book 1#

sorry this story is nonforest right now but hope all who reads it likes it

this story is by me. if there is any question about it (charitores, creature, places, cultures, ect) ask. tell me if i should continue to write on it. this is about a different plant, creatures, places.

Armmonest= a horse warroir type createre. (armored, stands up on two legs, read on to learn more)
war-tigers= a tiger type creature (four legged, armored creature)

Chapter 1 Distant winds

A distant wind blew as a storm cloud blew in. all in the city of Nimly were turning there suits in, ready to go home after a long day. For Rim there was a problem, one of his suit’s com links was broken. The young Armmonest sat at the stone wall out side of the court yard. He looked to his broken com clip for a wile and sighed.
He started to wonder why the court yard. Did the war-tigers plan the attack? How could they get away from the place without anyone seeing? Or did someone see? Rim looked down, the suit’s collar was navy blue.
He started to look up again when he soon realized his problem. He slowly started to frown at the facts that was in front of him. Why and how, Rim jumped up at the why, almost tumbling over. This thought never ever came to him. But why did it, the problem grew more with the fire official gone and the stone official killed in such a way. By the forsworn creatures.
Things were only to get harder in Nimly. For years the official traveled to Nimly for there meetings. Now they would seek other comforts of places. Or would they after there loss? Never again he knew plain and clear that such a tragedy would come. No. such a tragedy will come again and never will it be a pretty sight.
xhunter's picture

have a poem. Share it if you like. share them and express them

Just ask if you want one of yours on the list of poems( you will become one of the Poem givers).
Poem dairy for today: I added some new ones injoy!
thank all the Poem givers so far:

*Mick Kreiger



Like a fast dance it dances at night and day
it dances in the sky at day
and it dances on the ground at night fuiling the passion of a story
The fire burns the passion and rises the tempers

Like a puma's sliny black coat the flames slide back and forth
It spilles into every corner of the soul like quieck silver
And it drowns the cold of winter
The fire burns the Path and rises the Dance

Like a song it is always remembered even after its flames fall cold
Its always stands at the foot of the dreams that seem so distant
And it remembers the good and bad times of your life
The fire burns it mark in the soul and rises the dreams of late


soul and mind

This morning i set and watch as the window grows brighter
my legs are pulled under me and my masked chin is resting on my legs
the sun starts to rise
the sun throws twisted shadows on my silver twisted mask

my mask wears a twisted grin
even though the naked lips under it are frowning
Its hollow eyes show my ice blue eyes
which holds as much ice as a frozen lake

as i watch the sun rise my shadow starts to leave
like the blanket of time as they pass
but the shadows within stay to greet another day
another time another moment

i start to think
is it all only a play?
is it even real?
did someone just put strings on it so it can be drown up into that starry sky?
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