Topaz100's blog

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Deers are made for running

Deers are made for running
They jump and gallop with glee
Dashing, dancing, running, prancing
Playing with fawns like me!
Deers are made for running
For making friends till the end
Dashing, dancing, running, prancing
Will you be my friend?
Deers are made for running
For mysical gifts and powers
Dashing, dancing, running, prancing
Playing around for hours
Deers are made for running
For wisdom, Happiness and fun
Dashing, dancing, running, prancing
Sprinting in and out the dapple shaded wood
Hope you like it, Txx
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Running about all day
They don't stop in any way
That's what fawns do
Froliking in the flowers
They have fun for hours
That's what fawns do
Catching their breath
Shouting, I'M ON TEF!!!
That's what fawns do
Making friends
Till the end
That's what fawns do
As they get older
They begin to get bolder
That's what fawns do
Lovin all the deers
Let's give three cheers
GO fawns!!!
Sorry if it's a bore, just felt like a little poem! Gonna do another for when i am a deer when i become one. Hope you like it.
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Yori, your the best!!!

Sorry bout the bottom bar, forgot to switch it of but still, there more or Yori, she is the best!Exclaim!
Dedicated to Yorixxx
PS, i made her pose for it so you better like it or you'll have me to answer to! LOL, only joking!!! Hope you enjoy
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Now you see me, now you don't!

Just thought this was a bit of fun, where am i do you think? No, not the flowers or the trees, see, thats me up front, i am SO easy to spot!!!
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Bridge stop

Passin by the bridge and i thought i would take a quick piccy, not the best hey, but least i tried, ROFL!!!
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Pose for the camera!

Well, not really. That is another one like Twinkle Twinkle but i still like it, just gettin the hang of the camera! I love it near the flowers on days like that, it is really pretty and peaceful and you get to meet loads of new people, i also like the creator statues, their BRILL!!!
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Me and my friends! Txx

This was me as a fawn, with my best mate Yori in front of where i am stood sat down, Yori, you are ace! xxxx
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