shiori's blog

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Mini Interview...yeah, I had to XD

Ok, ok...I don't usually jump on these bandwagons, especially when they get THIS bad XD But gosh darnit I have no creativity of my own! My deer are slipping developementaly and I think people are losing touch with and forgetting about them thanks to no more blogs or art, so I had to do something >< This seemed like a good way to let people get to know my two deer, even if it's just a little bit. I even tried to think up more questions to add for a tiny smidgeon of originality and could only come up with one lame one XD LAME, THAT IS ME.

Anyways, THANK YOU SCYTHE XD I had fun writing this, anyways.

Who are you?
’ Name’s Darcy -Offers too-charming smile and a bow-
I-I’m Sh-sh-sh-Shyla -nervous bow-

Do you have any brothers or sisters?
A brother, though, we‘ve only met once...
N-no, I w-was mommy’s f-f-f-first!

Do you have a mate?
-Frowns- -Clears throat and straightens up- Uh, me? Naaaw. Too high maintenance, does…-sigh-
-Snorts at Darcy- Path--th-thetic
-Growls- Shut it you li’l stut-..
Anyw-ways, w-w-what are m-mates even fo-for?

Do you have any kids?
Ugh, talk about high maintenance. They’re so annoying, and even when you find one that isn’t, they grow up to be ungrateful little brats! …The lot of them!
B-but I‘m st-st-still a k-ki-ki-kid!
-Snort- I rest my case, right?

What is your favorite food?
Clover! It never disappoints.
I-I like m-moo-moosh-shrooms! A-and th-those li-lil grubs in th-th-the p-pond logs!
-Stares-…Tell me you‘re kidding.

Have you ever killed anyone?
Errr…maybe. Inadvertently! The old bat had it coming, anyways -mutter-
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My opinions on....everything? (LONG)

Bleh…not sure if I need to apologize but I’m gonna. I have been away the last 3 days thanks to non-consented late-night family outings/ power going out/ internet staying out >< The saddest thing is I’ve was so worried I was missing something and all my other sites were exactly as I left them >< Seriously depressing. There were a few pages here…and a few posts I most certainly need to and will address, but that’s all…This place isn’t the only place that’s dead, you guys. It really isn’t. I play at a lot of RP sites and creative games and they’re all pretty vacant. But anyways…AS for those posts…I hope you guys don’t mind if I try and reply to them all here? >< I just cant organize my thoughts and it’s easier for me, plus they might not get read if I post a couple pages back. I’m sure I’ll miss some things but I’ll adress the things I remember most anyways.

School HAS started for most people…and seeing as EF is kept busy by mostly young people, that is going to play a factor. A big one. That seems to be the reason most the other sites I visit are dead.
Before my three day disappearance I was on quite a bit…Id just leave the forest on and let my deer sleep, checking every few minutes for friends. If I was really bored I’d get up and look for deer in general and try to initiate friendship…which worked for a while but then they’d run off without asking me to follow or disappear from the game…and I was left to sleeping again ><

“This site has gone downhill!”
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I don't want to, but... (dramaphobs beware?)

{This is RP related? I dunno XD I guess we have to label everything now)

Ok guys…I gave it good shot >< But it’s not working. Darcy isn’t comfortable in the forest anymore. It doesn’t matter how I feel about mates, does, whatever, because the truth is Darcy is who he is, and he feels how he feels, and I can’t change it =/ The more he sees of the cause of his heartbreak…heh…the less he functions. Today all he could do was run about like a lunatic while they were about, it was the only thing he could do to keep from thinking. I’m sorry, Reetno and Kumiko, for that…-shrug-

So…I’m going to take him out of the forest for a while. I don’t know how long…I don’t actually know if he’ll be coming back, heh. I don’t see any real resolve for this situation without making someone very unhappy ><

I’ll still be around though…I have my fawn Shyla to look out for. She’s still nice and innocent…and untainted >< Hopefully that wont change. I hope you guys receive her well in the forest, even if she is just a fawn, because…she’s going to be my only outlet…
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-Sighs- I didn't want to talk with you so openly, but really what other way is there?

I don't even know what to say...there's just so much silence between us. I feel that I have beared quite a bit of my soul and yet I know nothing of yours. How can I possibly get to know you this way?

If anything the distance seems to grow...

Please say something. I know you are sad...and I while I assume it's because of me, I want to know why... or...just something! I want to know what you're thinking,, about About anything! I lack tact in asking but I don't know what to do anymore...
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Anyone feeling...patient?

Darcy is feeling lonely...and being his whatsbecomenormal emo self. He misses his Reetno, and Wyvern hasnt been on in forever. Nobody he knows has been on in forever, cept Fulu thankfully gone for a while. I love ya Skokey but...yes XD
If anyone is willing to...I durno...chill with him or...offer something encouraging that would be great ><
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On My Mind: A Decision Made..?


This situation has gotten a bit…surreal, I suppose you could say. It seems no matter how much I expect one reaction from someone, I get something completely unexpected…which leaves me lost, confused, and wondering if I truly know anyone at all. It all seems backwards…an upside-down maze I struggle to walk though only to find it leads nowhere. They’re all dead ends.

I’ve weighed the pros and the cons...only to find non of them matter.

I’ve felt emotions unacknowledged and unreturned.

I’ve felt the cold sting of jealousy and pull of self destruction.

It’s left me drained. I know less of who I am now then I ever did before. I care more now then I’d ever cared before…certainly more than anyone else seems to care. Is it wrong? An old argument, renewed.

I feel little of love now…how can I love someone I do not know? It feels like love, tastes like love, STINGS like love, and yet I must constantly remind myself how it’s merely a deception. I force smiles now, dance with friends who I question, run and skip about because everyone else has moved on.
I haven’t.
I’m still stuck in the core, but because they move on, they assume I must as well. Who am I to disappoint them further? To deny them a smile and the play that seems to spell forgiveness I do not rightly feel. They must move on, and so must I, and I have, but not to a place full of the warmth of love, forgiveness, and the past put behind me. It is a dark place I find myself now, cold and devoid, where emotions swarm about me like bees, stinging me when I get too close. Otherwise they leave me be, buzzing just out of reach…


I guess I must refrain from absolute honesty now. I have already upset Fulu, pushed her away. I feel horrid buttering up words that long to be harsh and yet I knew in order to move forward I must ‘forget’ them.
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On My Mind: A Lengthy Confession

Where do I begin? And who do I address first? I do not know. The normal fluidity in which my thoughts usually flow seems to have been terribly disrupted. They dart every which way, confused and disoriented. I feel as though I’ve been split into halves, or my conscience has at least, and each section has something different to say on the matter. We all know what it is by now, right? I should hope so…even now I hesitate to repeat my actions to the world, as though the shame of it hasn’t already gone beyond sinking in.

-sigh- I ramble…as though I can put this on hold even further. I do not know how to start, and I certainly can’t finish…but I must dive in nonetheless.

Let me start with the first half of my conscience.

Wyvern, I have done you a great wrong. I owed you my loyalty, an exuberant welcome, and my love. I swear it was true upon your departure, you were not wrong to assume it so. Even now in the thickness of my sorrow, your carefree and good natured words bring a smile to my face like few others have managed. You had always made me laugh, hadn’t you? Made me feel like less of a fool as I leapt about like a fawn in springtime. You were not gone such a very long time…how horrible I am to have found so many excuses for why I should forget you within the short span of it, especially when you have easily carried thoughts of me with you…
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o______o -twitch-

Oh. My. God.

I was about halfway done with Jendeer's picture...and....and...PaintShop Pro ERRORS on me. I had saved a few steps back, so I knew I'd lose a little work but not I closed the program, went back in...and....and...

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Backyard Deer

HOMG! XD -squees- this might be a common occurance for a lot of people but we live on the outskirts of a city in Whitetrashville so...we don't see much wildlife. But my dogs started carrying on today and I peeked out the window to find...a deer family!

First one fawn, then another, then the momma deer who seemed a bit too paranoid to get much further out in the open. That's actually my neighbor's backyard...and yes, they are snacking on his garden XD

I believe these fawns are twins. There COULD have been another doe waiting in the trees...but they look about the same age. Anywho, sorry about the camera has horrible zoom. I could have gotten closer had the dogs not started to throw themselves against the windows after the mamma deer appeared >< They eventually spooked and ran off. STOOPOT DOGS.

HOMG XD I shall watch for them now. Maybe leave them out some snacks :3
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On My Mind: Selfish and Drowning

Does anyone ever get the feeling that they care more than their friends do?
It’s like your whole world rests with them…you love them, and adore them, and wish to be with them all the time and when you’re not you feel a constant emptiness inside.
Yet despite this, you feel you are nothing ‘more’ than a friend to them. A companion when their life grows dull without one, someone to romp with when their own company, or the company of their other friends does not suffice. Like you’re nothing but a name on a list…like your friends have favorites and you are never one of them.
Yet each of them mean worlds to you. To me.
I curl up beneath the willow and brood about how selfish I am. Why can’t I be satisfied? And then I think, maybe…maybe I care too much. Maybe the latter is what friendship should really be, and I put too much faith in others.
I set myself up for the fall.

Reetno has grown now. Do I imagine the distance I feel from him? Probably. My mind can’t seem to linger on optimism long anymore. But what if I do not? Part of me wishes to be glad. He needs to grow bolder, to make more friends, to find love, and yet I feel each step in one direction takes him further from my own. Selfish, that’s all it is.
Why can I find no satisfaction in the world anymore?
I can think of no cause for these feelings, other than…no, it’s too silly to say, yet…omitting it from this confessional feels wrong. I wish…to feel special somehow, I think. I once felt this way, with Reetno, but it’s fading now. I can’t be content being just another face in the forest…to be overlooked. How horrible I am, I think, for thinking this way. How truly awful…
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