kanastigu's blog

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ok so like i wanted a challenge in the scupturs i was doing. and i like did one of reetno. i know he isn't around anymore but he was still one of my favorits. and i was hoping to finish it realy quick so you can cheer up. lol. anyways. i finished the deer. and i am working on wakka and the base. it is going to be so cool.

and to everyone else. i might do another deer. not sure. but if you want one email me. and i will see what i can do.
kanastigu's picture

Good bye my deer friend.

for all who were wondering were i have been well here you go.
1. i had to work
2. my net is down at home have to pay the bill
3. my wonderful talkitive snuggly stinky friend passed.


kanastigu's picture

Guess what!

ru is looking again. so ladies. he is free.
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off to play diablo

well sinc ei can't play in the forest since i am not home and ryans laptop hates the forest. i am off to play diable. and to quamar. i will get up extra early tomarrow just so ru can play with leara. promise. my alarm is set.
kanastigu's picture

**DIES** someone shoot me.

ok so like ryan got me into this table top game called warhammer. thats fine. i almost finished painting the pices i have. well ryan shows me some more pieces on ebay. and well. i bought almost 110.00 bucks in pieces. and i have another 39.00 buck i still have to buy. wich i can't do till next payday. i am hoping ryan can pay for them then i pay him back so they don't get mad. i got carried away. **dies**

ohh and i also helped this lady who came into my store today. she was kicked out of forsyth hospital. wich is next to my work. and she had no way of getting to baptist. the other hospital in town. well she was really upset. i mean besides being sick. she was just pitiful looking sad. so in order to figure out if she was faking it or not. i had her sit down and calm down. i called her a taxi. and got her calmed down. and when she was calm. i knew she wasn't faking being sick. so ya. i helped someone today.
kanastigu's picture


well ttyl. im off for a bit. i work in the morning so i might be on again later tonight and tomarrow night. sorry if ru was being a pain. he wanted to protect uio. because of uios fight with walter. so anyways. i will be back laters. night.
kanastigu's picture


so since i can't really get on the forest for a time. does anyone else play diablo 2 online? if so look me up. my name is the same its kanastigu. i always name my room level loader.
kanastigu's picture

Rue-u's Fan Girls?

so i was talking to quamar the other day and she said that ru has a fan gilr club. is it ture? does the ladies man ru have fan girls? lol

when he is in the forest and you want his attention . bow, dance and turn at the same time, then bow again. i for the most part know most of rus fan girls. but there are still a few i don't. so just let him know. and he has been latly, watching over a sleeping uio. incase walter shows up again.
kanastigu's picture



check out the page!

-Bright eyes dark scale f + Leafs fall m =

- snowlessness f + Darkness rise m =

- Kentall f + greyfall m =

- Scheuen sie f + light shield m =

- hold the mayo 2 f + flightking m =

- Orange frills f + farfalls m =

- Pinkstarlight f + DON'T DIE m =
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tech problems

can anyone tell me why i can't log on or anything? like i can deleat it then redownload it and it wont load natuer oher people or connect. its wierd. i need help
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