faunet's blog

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The snow is gently drifting down to the ground, a chill is in the air. Lying wide awake in your bed tossing and turning trying to make tommorow come faster. Yet it doesnt . Somewhere between 1 or 2 in the morning you fall asleep dreaming of what under the tree. As soon as your eyes are open you make a mad dash to the tree to see what under it. Then you wake up your parents to come down so you can open them. This process takes alot of patience for some reason. As thay seem to move to slow for your taste. Finally after they have had their coffe and their cameras are in place BOOM good bye Christmas paper. Sticking out tongue

( what all do you hope is under Christmas tree this year?)

How about a party

For all of us on Christmas. Well all meet at the pond and have a party . If any ones interested please let me know.

Whats up?

Boy have I missed this place. Barf! But Im back. Im leaving sometime tomorrow but I get to take my PC with me. * I smell cookies *

A quick question

Does any one know what happened to Dannii,Animal Artist, and Mrs Halloween?

I guess there really is a dark side.


No one accepts me my own family deserted me,
This dark abiss that is my life is hanging by a thread,
Can no one accept how i am?
Am i really so different from the rest?
They see my skin and my fur,my bone skull that is enough.
Taking time only to look and judge appearances they ignore or shy away.
They judge the outside and reject the heart within.
Rejection is always a slap in the face ahurtful one at that but with time one numbs.
You become so used to it you dont even flinch when you hear the other deer whispering.
You tend to stay away from them and go off alone.
Not neccesarily banished but not far from it.


With hooves so small they tread so far.
In search of a friend in this common land.
Abandoned by a family she hardly new.
On her own since she was able to walk.
For one so young she bears much sadness others can not understand.
For the reason she was abandoned was something she could not control.
On the day she was born she looked like a normal fawn.
However a burning sention like a fire was on her face.
With time the pain eased.
However the skin on her face was gone.
Nothing but her skull remained.

This is my new fawn Sheba.

Happy Turkey Day

A little early but Happy Thanksgiving to everyone I hope you guys have a good one.

A little thanks to the creators

To Auriea and Michael

You made a place of wonder and enchantment filled with magic and peace.
Where we frolic and cast spell on one another.
You give us the gift to be free to allow us to be ourselves with our art.
The gift of peace in games that is hard to come by nowadays you gave us that as well.
To meet new friends and explore our imaginations that is what you have given us.
It is for all this that I thankyou both.

Some thing that needed to be said.

I hate to post a rant on my first day back but this needs to be said. I have noticed recently people are unhappy that some other players are killing there deer to get rid them. And I would like to say SOOOOOOO where is it any one elses point to say thats wrong, Its there characters they can do what they like with them. I have posted on other blogs saying what we write what we draw it comes from our own hearts. We do these things for our ownselves.It is encouraging to receive comments from other members and helpful criticism. But we need to be polite and kind to our fellow members.

Im sorry if I upset anyone if i did it was unintentional I normally try to keep the peace here in the community.

Im back

Yep i fianally came back .
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