Enny005's blog

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Fan art requests


I'm taking fan art requests. I really want to practice with things like that.

If you want some it will happen like this you must write like this


" Name: Eagle ( your deers name)
Fan art type: Whole body or head ( you can choose)
With: Sira ( if you want your deer with some friend)
Picture: ( you can write link to your deers bio) http://endlessforest.org/community/eagles-bio
Special wishes: long pelt or something other ( you choose)"

it's easier for me to understand what you are asking for if you write like this.

I will put in some music by the picture when I post it. If you absolutely don't want music say.

Here is an example on my fanart

hope to get some fan art requests soon. Smiling
Enny005's picture


I've made a graphic how I will play my deers.

Monday: Eagle
Tuesday: Viper
Wednesday: Eagle
Thursday: Viper
Friday: Eagle
Saturday: Viper
Sunday: Eagle

I will play Eagle more because he is the oldest one. So now you know which days they maybe online if you want to meet some of them Smiling
Enny005's picture

Conecting problems

My computer will not connect me to network in the game. It's taking very very long time.

Enny005's picture

F buttons

How do you do to get moves on F buttons?

For Example: F1 bow F2 dance ....
Enny005's picture

Log in

Like many of you know I have a new character Viper. I was playing with her this day and then I wanted to log in as Eagle. But it said "wrong password" all the time. Like I understand SilverBells had the same problem.

I checked that I have all the big letters and numbers. I even changed the password for Eagle. But it's still not working. What do I need to do?
Enny005's picture


Hi Everyone!!!

My new account is activated. So Viper is ALIVE XD

But seriously I have another deer now.

I'm not sure if I will play her so much now while she's a fawn. But sometimes.

Her picto Sticking out tongue

See ya!

P.S. For picto press the smiley

If you read this Moon_Blaggy, one question.

Can Gimmick be Vipers aunt?
Enny005's picture


How do you upload pictures made by photoshop to comunity?

I saved my picture but when I want to upload it on photobucket it's not there.
Enny005's picture


It's so hard to work with photoshop.

I don't understand how do you guys make so beautiful pictures with it
Enny005's picture


I finnaly got Photoshop

I am so happy

Now I will draw draw and draw again
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