Demented Deer Musings Part 3

(See "Writings" for Part 1 and 2 deer chose a different garden path and letting it flourish, more the merrier)

French Deer Shop (specialized pelts with the mardi gras mask and then end up the spotted sexy swag coat)
About 3:39 am in the morning the cutter deer was obviously inebriated from deplantis Vodka. Cutter deer got mixed up and thought my deer was a French deer with those ways, long lashes and dewy eyes.(My deer has that but not French) So cutter deer stomps his hooves and rears up. When he comes down in his antlers was a mushroom he retrieved from a trunk (the kind with psychoactive ingredients). Cutter deer slings his neck just so and out flies the mushroom chunk. As it whizzed passed my nostrils it had been soaked in deplantis Vodka. My girl deer just hung that silly joker tongue of hers out(see concept for pic of joker deer) and lerped it up and swallowed it whole. I have to admit I had the mushrooms too and all I could do was stand there and watch. Cutter deer moves up next to my girl deer. Instead of the loving starting he hops fully up on her fur back wanting a walking ride right in front of me. It is not rutting season or the games at the graveyard. My girl deer instead of walking starts acting like a deplantis bunny (small pond with facet on brick). She starts hopping around. I thought that looked becoming and stood there fascinated watching the deer bunny hop progress.