The Day he Roared Stuff

Blackhoof's picture
Written By: Blackhoof
Art by: Blackhoof

Plott: In an early morning a roar is echoed
through the forest. It spoke of the coming, and
the end of the forest. The King (Vin-has) makes
drastic choices and a deer named Fern Fire rises
up. Now Fern Fire dous not only have to face a King,
but the whole forest. He must protect the ones he loves,
and he must awaken the coming which is inside him....Or is it?

Ch.1 (The Day) -------

Ch.2 (Isolated) ----------

Ch.3 (Surrender)--------

Ch.4 (Faults)------------

Ch. 5 Last Chapter (Your Majesty)------------------------

(Fern fire and freinds)
1. Fern Fire
2. Prong
3. Vei
4. Maria
5. (forgets...)


1. " The Roar" ( White out or White fire he's a fawn)
2. King Vin- Has
3. Ginger(Vin- has wife)
4. Whisperwind

Other info: There will only be Five or Six chapters...
But anywho the last two chapters could be alittle long...I don't know

What inspired me to do this story is....I don't know
Endless forest I suppose