Nayu's picture

It took time to find the correct words, but The Corner is just about players having fun, being random, and staying light-hearted.

Lets add a little " Currently listening to" section here:
Notify me poeplz, so I can add your newest music addictions.

To contact me:
Feel free to add me.

Flyleaf's picture

Ehmmm.... ? Did i see you in

Ehmmm.... ? Did i see you in the forest yesterday ? Lol , i cannot remember Laughing out loud
luxemburgisch ist unsere offizielle sprache !!!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

@Fly lol It's okay,

@Fly lol It's okay, nevermind.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

Oh my god I forgot my

Oh my god I forgot my appointment! Sorry I had to leave immediately! Oh my god I'm so....... sorry! Shocked
Nayu's picture

GO mommy!!!!! I'm with uncle

GO mommy!Exclaim!!Exclaim!! I'm with uncle Flyleaf, you two are really really unluncky! Having you both is close to a miracle<;

@Fly: Sad I have to go for a little while...but will be back later if you want?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

A friend is coming later !

A friend is coming later ! See you tomorrow or another day Eye
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

Okesh! Have a good night!

Have a good night!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Same to you !!

Same to you !!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

Bis geschwënn? Lulz!

Bis geschwënn?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Richteg !!!!Bien !! C'est

Richteg !!!!Bien !! C'est juste !! Luxo , va lol Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

ROFLING!!! Yes sir!


Yes sir!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

Oh my god... it's terrible.

Oh my god... it's terrible. Since I've no more school I forget all my appointments! God... Shocked
And little Nayu was lonely then! Sad

Na gut, dann schließe ich mal Nayu aus! Evil Aber ich hab das Gefühl, dass sie ganz gut mit Übersetzern umgehen kann Eye
Yes, I'm telling nasty lies about you... >: -D

I love languages (except for english)! I looove them (except for english)! <-) They're so interesting...
I'd love to hear spoken luxemburgisch <-D

Good idea! Let's talk korean! Aut hac lingua pulchrissima loquamur! C->
but I'm afraid of asian languages. My friend once tried to teach me a bit chinese. They're so different! Shocked

So, enough off topic. I'm only so relieved that I've this duty behind me^^
Nayu's picture

Kami!!!!!!!!!!! id



Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Ich glaube auch ! Sie kann

Ich glaube auch ! Sie kann sogar luxemburgisch LOOOL Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture


Sad idontunderstandgermanyouguysrareunfair.COM Sad


You misseed Flyleaf again, and yeah I was a bit puzzled when I" woke up" ( read closed google) and you were all gone.


Sinon, you gonna play?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

Please do not slap me !! I

Please do not slap me !! I will write in english now !¨Pleaseeee!Exclaim
Why "ignore your mails" Question
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture

I'll chew your antlers to


Oopps the mail-comment was meant for Kami! I write strange stuffs just after waking up!Exclaim!!!!!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

You will have to chew the

You will have to chew the candles too Exclaim That 's a lot of stuff Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kamino's picture

x-D You guys make me laugh

x-D You guys make me laugh Laughing out loud

uups... that was english...
Ja, sie kann besser luxemburgisch als ich! ^^

Ich verpasse dich wirklich immer, fly! Unglaublich!
And yes, I was so sorry when I had to leave... I couldn't say goodbye <_(

x-D was just confused about all these mails telling me to ignore a mail which seemed not to exist. I'll try to ignore it! x-)

I'll be there! À tout de suite!
Flyleaf's picture

Maybe one day in the near

Maybe one day in the near future we will meet again lol Laughing out loud
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kamino's picture

Unlikely! x-D edit: WTF?!?!?

Unlikely! x-D

edit: WTF?!?!? It's June 1st?!?!? 0:23?!?!?! x-D I'm just 18 now! x-D
Guess I'll ask my mother for my present now <-D
sorry, was just so surprised, had to shout! x-)
Flyleaf's picture

OoooH !! Happy Birthday to

OoooH !! Happy Birthday to youuuuuu ; Lalala Exclaim
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Nayu's picture




uazcgfrxirugfizer ficz rfiz eric zirg cizruc ziu zic i!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim


Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Nayu's picture

I feel old because of

I feel old because of you!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!

cat Pictures, Images and Photos






Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

How Cute Lol !!!

How Cute Lol !!! Smiling Smiling Smiling
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
Kamino's picture

x-D Thank you folks! ^^ I

x-D Thank you folks! ^^ I love that song x-DDD
Yes, I know I'm young! x-D Have you looked after your pension yet?
Finally I may elect! ^^

Damned! Your crazy cat pals are so cute! x-D
Nayu's picture

ROFL! Yeah that song should

ROFL! Yeah that song should be this summer hit!
IM NOT THAT OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!!!! Punk, I'll dye your fur pink when you sleep.



you playin'?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

You wouldn't dare!

You wouldn't dare! >8-O

(Yes, you are old. In my age everyone over 20 is old x-D Sticking out tongue )

edit: I'm too fat to dance in trees!
Nayu's picture

What trees are got to do with

What trees are got to do with ths! Rofl
I'm just 24...ok 25!! IM OLD!Exclaim!!Exclaim!!!!! Sad Shocked Puzzled Frown Barf!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture


You're oooooollllllllllddddddddddddddd!Exclaim! !
Well, small fawns can dance in trees. But if I try that my antlers are visible! Shocked

I'm so tired... sorry but I should leave now ^^ Have a long birthday tomorrow... er... today...
Bis morgen! Smiling

PS: Wocio isn't very communicative in the last time :-/
Nayu's picture


UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH, I didn't even get you were leaving!

Gud night!

And you have to practice your nuzzling, they suck terribly!


Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Kamino's picture

Hey, don't complain, you

Hey, don't complain, you nuzzled wocio all the time while I was leaving! x-D

Good night^^
wocio's picture

Oh, hi xD. Kamiiinoo Happy

Oh, hi xD.
Kamiiinoo Happy birthdayy Exclaim (a little late.. ._.)

I wasn't saying anything because you all keep speaking in different languages T_T and I don't understand a thing Sad Sad Puzzled altough I know a little French Sticking out tongue Sticking out tongue

.....am I the youngest here? ._.

Nayu's picture

LOOOOOL don't worry, we

LOOOOOL don't worry, we weren't understanding half the thing we were saying too! 8D

How old are ya?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

xD I'm 16.. but turning 17


I'm 16.. but turning 17 next month.
Wait,... that's tomorrow...

(the month, not my birthday Smiling
Nayu's picture

You are the youngest.

You are the youngest. Eye
Flyleaf in our big Uncle, and I'm the big sista I guess...

Edit: have you read the previous postsss? Does it look like we've been near paint fume?
The goofy(dumb)ness is overwelhming.

What time is it for you?

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

waaa I'm the youngest :3 >.

waaa I'm the youngest :3

Oh, here it's almost 8 pm Smiling
Nayu's picture

Sleeping tight. It's early!


Sleeping tight.

It's early! Xo
It's 3am here!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

omg 3 am xD aaww they look

omg 3 am xD

aaww they look so cute T_T
I was taking screenies too Laughing out loud heehee...
Nayu's picture

I love the way fawns and

I love the way fawns and adult deers fit this way when they sleep next to each other.
Cute indeed T_T

Wanna see your screens!

Maybe I should go to sleep soon,
I don't feel tired though, and a bit weird...

Thanks for the company Wocio!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

I knowww, they fit perfectly

I knowww, they fit perfectly :'( *sniff*
My screens? Naah... I'm feeling lazy to post them xD hohoho Evil
Nayu's picture

LOL, you bad bad girl!

LOL, you bad bad girl!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
OtherkinOS's picture

Errm, h-e-l-l-o-o-o, I just

Errm, h-e-l-l-o-o-o, I just found this place, the corner .... aaand, there is so much to read, I haven't read it all yet. That being so, I can't say, if this has already been mentioned, but:

-there are no corners in the endless forest!- *rofl*

I know, I know, what a smart ass remark.... but it was spinning around in my head, shouting: this is important, you have to tell the world, and so I had to let it out.
I hope it is ok, forgive me otherwise, I can't control myself sometimes.
Nayu's picture


pecerêrk,c^fprl,k^ceù!!!! CORNER of yur mind deer friend from hellzzzz

Welcome! A new customer! What will it be?

A full plate of madumbilicatness? We are out of blood!

Don't read, you might die and vomit rainbows! 8D

Wanna sit? I'm bored.

Edit: I'm off to bed, I NEED TO DIE. Meh will go back to my appartment later today, so dunut wait for Nayu till late, when zombies are out for their pancakes.
Kami, I googled your german, strange stuffs came up...will never do that again. O_o;
Nuzzling you is too hard, I think I'll throw rocks instead, so you'll feel it all day.
Dear deers, don't re-read today's posts, we ought to use dictionaries and stay away from drugs.
CSS aka Chaotic Smelly Style coming up when I buy myself a new brain.
Feel free to donate.
Sobek is officially missing, someone should investigate by the pond, accidents are likely to happen.



Siggy by Butterbrot <3
Flyleaf's picture

LOOOL!! You are all under the

LOOOL!! You are all under the effect of heavy mushroom eating !! And Nayu ; i loooove your comments , they are PFFFFFF.........lol !! And welcome to our new member in "The Corner" !!!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
SobekNofru's picture

Have you missed me? I am

Have you missed me? I am back! And i wasn't eaten by a duck Eye
Happy Birthday Kamino! You're 18! Shocked
Siggy by Bu <3
Nayu's picture

Missed ya!

Missed ya!

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
OtherkinOS's picture

thank you, for the warm

thank you, for the warm welcome in -The Corner-

misquoted quote of the day: -I am a little cthulhu inside a deer.-

why?! I don't knooowww
chaos made me say it

I am a little cthulhu
I am a little cthulhu
I am a little cthulhu
I am a little cthulhu
I am a little cthulhu

aren't we all a bit cthulhu at times

I am a little cthulhu
I am a little cthulhu
I am a little cthulhu
I am a little cthulhu
I am a little cthulhu

a deer.

Ok, now I know, what I want:
Please, one cthulhu-chicken-farm-mashup. As starter one mad writers brain soup. And as a drink I would like... I don't know, you think of something, I'll take that then.
Dinnertime, just in time.. and you thougt they ran out of madtencatacleoozieness
I'll be back.
Nayu's picture

Oh a calamardeer, or cthulhu

Oh a calamardeer, or cthulhu if yo wanna make it sounds stylish-eress-est!

Thanks for sharing! It's impressive pencil work!!! 8D

We are out of food, so I guess we have to start eating each other. Nothing is free though, I'm selling my body, still chubby and smooth.

Make offers!

Ps: Okino! 8D!! OKINO would be a cute nickname!
I sense the Spice and Wolf-ness in you! Smells good.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3
wocio's picture

you guys are scaring me

you guys are scaring me T_T

"We are out of food, so I guess we have to start eating each other" @_@


I like the calamardeer :3
Nayu's picture

8D! Yes, yes, be

8D! Yes, yes, be scared.

Smiley abuse is cool.

Siggy by Butterbrot <3