100 Questions (I can't see... after staring at the screen none stop)

Blackhoof's picture
1] What is your pen name?
Gurgl…um Blackhoof?
02] How did you get the name?
Really, to be truthful I don’t have one. Along time ago my friends use to call me Blue Jackass Rabbit but that wasn’t a very good name…It was rather a name used just to joke around…But that was like…two or three years ago…no two.
03] Do you use PC or Mac?
04] What software do you use most often?
None…even though I would die to have one….well maybe not die…
05] Do you use mouse, or tablet? Um…
06] The color you use most often is?
If I had a color…It would be white…but I don’t know…and plus white is the essence of color…so I guess it’s not a color…
07] What area of the pictures do you put most effort into?
The face and eyes, I want people to be able to catch the emotion in those main features the most.

08] How long does it take you do draw a picture?
Well, If I’m willing to stick with it…um maybe…uh…I don’t know?
09] Do you keep your rough drafts?
Yeah, because I will either revise them later or draw on the back of them later
10] What kind of font do you use most often?
Um….If I did it would probably be…psh…I don’t know
11] What's the dpi when you scan?
35….So I can be able to get a good look at it
12] Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
I may watch TV. But rarely now a days. Most of my picture turn out weird if I listen to music or anything else.
13] How many pictures do you draw in a month?
Well…I guess…since I’m so bored here I guess you could say a lot…but then a little because when your only choice is to draw all the time you go crazy….
14] What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
Like print paper sadly but so.
15] What kind of paper do you use for sketches and drafts?
Print & or line
16] How long does it take to ink something?
Not long unless I decide to add some hair strokes…rare…
17] Do you do doujinshi or original manga?
Looks up stuff…..um Well I’ve always like the look of doujinshi but the eyes are to complicated to do so I gave up on that early in the game. As for manga…I don’t really care….
18] Do you like doujinshi? Is it fun making it?
I like how it looks…but sadly but so I don’t think it’s fun.
19] Ever submitted anything to a magazine?
Nope…never thought it would be good enough or thought it was too much work to submit.
20] Did it get published?
Look above dear child! : D
21] Who are your favorite artists?
Shaun Tan, and the artist who helped design deer of Endless forest….gah!!! Can’t think of her name I know it though!!! : X
22] What's your favorite Anime/Manga?
Um…I can’t really, really get into it into it…But there was one I got into for a short while, Full metal alchemist. And I did read some Death Note books but stopped once I moved.
23] Favorite Characters?
I love my own…I guess?
24] Any artists that you'd like to draw like?
I don’t think I would really like to draw like anybody…I just want the skills in using different material to for your art. Like paint, charcoal, inking, water paints other crap.
25] Do you buy books a lot?
Not really unless it’s a drawing book that I really, really, really, really, really want.
26] Did you ever buy a book to inspire you to draw?
Hm…a little and a little bit not…it’s the learning that inspiresme
27] Any video games you enjoy?
Yeah…but most are old and are like on my old Xbox which burned out along time ago.
28] Any favorite characters from video games?
Nope. Blackhoof, meh TEF deer…and only because he has such a story…
29] Do you have a favorite writer?
30] Any books you really enjoy?
Animal books really. Like Watership down, or Silverwing or something…???
31] Do you write fanfics?
32] Any music that you often listen to while drawing?
None really…music changes for each feeling I’m going for
33] Any recommended songs?
34] Any web sites that you totally admire?

35] Do you have any sites you want to go to every day?
I come here…but really if I had something to do I wouldn’t be up here as often.
36] What is your dream site like?
I don’t think I ever had one really?
37] Do you like your own art?
I do. But at times I get a little annoyed.
46] Are you a computer expert?
I wish.
47] Want to become a professional artist?
It would be nice...
48] Any other jobs you're interested in, besides illustration?
Creating and designing video games, movies, a little bit of acting(hardly), animation, writing, graphic novolist….yep
49] Any other specialties besides drawing?
I really wish….sometimes… : X
50] Do you like to watch movies?
Yeah I guess.
51] What's your favorite movie?
Blurpl…..Um I have a lot…but I like animated movies with a lot of strang but interesting fantasy and such.
52] Have you ever entered art contests?
53] When did you start drawing seriously?
When my dad drew a dragon right infront of my childish eyes. And he drew it so easly…I still can’t draw that freakin’ dragon… XP
54] Anything that you often use as a reference when you draw?
If I had a reference…most of my references I don’t really have yet…
55] Have you met any of your fans online?
I had fans?
56] You have a lot of pen pals?
I guess…I don’t know…
57] You have a lot of friends that draw?
Where I use to live I did…but I don’t know if three would count as a lot of artist X D
58] What time do you usually go online?
When I get out of school…If it’s the weekends…then once in the morning and after noon.
59] Do you like to go to chat rooms?
I can’t really say?
60] Do you have your own computer?
61] What would you say to the person you admire?
…… urgh…I kinda think it would be a mean and nice thing…
62] Do you think of things when you draw?
I guess.
63] Have you drawn badly because you think too much?
Not really…I don’t know…
64] Do you have any friends who are professionals?
65] Where do you often hang out?
No where…Where I use to live…just anywhere I guess…
66] Do you have any artists that you don't like too much?
I don’t think I like it to much when I see, read, or hear someone saying someones art isn’t originial or isn’t right and such. It’s there art, they can do what ever they want with it.
67] Situations in which you really don't like being online?
I like to get on the computer but certain things make me want to stay off.

68] Situations you hate when it comes to having web sites?
I don’t have a website…but I’m sure if I did I would have something to complain about/
69] Something that makes you really glad that the Internet exists?
Really just to learn about different things without flying across the world.
70] What about things that make you NOT glad that the Internet exists?
Guh…if I told you, my dear art meme, then someone would kill me XD
71] What's the first picture you've ever shown to the public online?
Ugh…it was such a crapy pic I don’t even know what it’s name was.. but ugh…
72] Do you still have that?
Probably not.
73] Has your drawing style changed a lot?
I’m sure, it’s changed somehow? : D
74] How does it usually change?
It changes like the speed of light… day I’ll draw a creature this way the next is completely different
75] Have you experienced artists block before?
You don’t even know.
76] How did you escape from it?
I CAAAANNNN’TTTT!Exclaim! Most of the time it just simmers away.
77] What happens when you have artists block?
I look at all my pics and think that everything looks like crap and think I must have lost my gift X D
78] Any artists that have influenced you a lot?
If I did name them all then you, meme, would probably longer than you already are.
79] What made you start drawing?
It just happened.
80] What made you want to get a web site?
81] Where did your site name come from?
82] What do you think about net manners?
I wish such things excisted…but then who gives a crap…e_e I’ll just shut up now.
83] Have you ever been spammed?
I’ve eaten spam?
84] Ever thought about quitting your web page?
Yeah…a lot… but I don’t focus on it…it’s a faze normally
85] If so, why?
People I suppose…To much to deal with…You can’t tell what the other person meant and so on. And some problems…gurglpl….
86] About how many KB is each picture?
87] When creating your site, do you use a program or pure html?

88] Do you have good eyesight?
Sometimes it’s like on and off…It gets worse at night time sometimes…
89] If you can get any person's autograph, whose would you get?
….I don’t think I would really care for someones autograph..
90] What would you say to that artist when he/she autographs for you?
…nice hand writing…
91] Do you have fans of your art?
Like I know?
92] Do you like to draw on oekaki bbs?
Nope…It’s not that I don’t want to it’s just that it takes to long for me…I can be impatient at times.
93] Were you good at art in school?
94] Did you take art lessons other than from school?
…um no.
95] Have you drawn a manga?
Tried…as usual fail.
96] What's your favorite phrase/quote?
…I like my own quotes even though I don’t really have one……Confusing answer as usual…

97] Do you think your personality is different externally and internally?
I don’t know..
98] What's your goal now?
Get past theis stupid slow moving soft mores that constantly are in the way, and most of these small town kids crazy ways….
99] What do you have to say to yourself?
….I wish I had something to freakin’ doooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo….
Wherers my freakin’ maneger?