100 Q's *armflails!*

quadraptor's picture
01] What is your pen name?
QuadRaptor I suppose. I have a few others.

02] How did you get the name?
It came from Quake, after a powerup called Quad Damage and my favorite dinosaur.

03] Do you use PC or Mac?
PC for life!

04] What software do you use most often?
Microsoft Word

05] Do you use mouse, or tablet?

06] The color you use most often is?

07] What area of the pictures do you put most effort into?
Shading the body.

08] How long does it take you do draw a picture?
Maybe 20 minutes

09] Do you keep your rough drafts?

10] What kind of font do you use most often?
Quake Font

11] What's the dpi when you scan?
No clue

12] Do you do anything else when you're drawing pictures?
Chat with my friends

13] How many pictures do you draw in a month?
Lol maybe one or two

14] What kind of paper do you draw your pictures on?
Computer paper

15] What kind of paper do you use for sketches and drafts?
None, I don't really do sketches or drafts

16] How long does it take to ink something?
Not long

17] Do you do doujinshi or original manga?

18] Do you like doujinshi? Is it fun making it?
No clue

19] Ever submitted anything to a magazine?

20] Did it get published?

21] Who are your favorite artists?
Claude Monet is my favorite

22] What's your favorite Anime/Manga?
One Piece

23] Favorite Characters?
Luffy and Chopper XD

24] Any artists that you'd like to draw like?
Both of my brothers. Their art is amazing.

25] Do you buy books a lot?
On occasion

26] Did you ever buy a book to inspire you to draw?
Not really

27] Any video games you enjoy?
Lots. Ace Combat, Gears of War, Quake, Rock Band, All of the Final Fantasies, Kingdom Hearts, Duel Masters, All of the Metroids...and many many others

28] Any favorite characters from video games?
SAMUS! Umm...Wakka from FFX, Sabin from FFIII, and pretty much everyone on KH.

29] Do you have a favorite writer?
Robert T. Bakker

30] Any books you really enjoy?
Raptor Red (Robert T. Bakker), Civil War Fantastic (Various Authors), Dinotopia (Various Authors)...some others.

31] Do you write fanfics?
Quake and TEF

32] Any music that you often listen to while drawing?
A lot of stuff. Dragonforce, Fall Out Boy, Goldfinger, Shinedown, the list goes on and on.

33] Any recommended songs?
LOL how am I supposed to pick anything?! Okay okay, "Second Chance" by Shinedown.

34] Any web sites that you totally admire?
The TEF sites, obviously.

35] Do you have any sites you want to go to every day?
TEF, TU forums (Quake Related), Quakeone (Quake Related), and iScribble

36] What is your dream site like?
I don't really have one.

37] Do you like your own art?
A little yes and a little no. Sometimes I impress myself and other times I think my stuff is crap.

46] Are you a computer expert?
Not really but I am good with HTML

47] Want to become a professional artist?
Not really. I don't like criticism

48] Any other jobs you're interested in, besides illustration?
Geology and Paleontology....and writing

49] Any other specialties besides drawing?
Writing, having passions (basically obsessing over stuff), and apparently I have a good imagination.

50] Do you like to watch movies?
You know it.

51] What's your favorite movie?
Spirit, Bambi, Lords of Dogtown, Unbreakable, Starship Troopers, Armageddon, Lord of the Rings (all of em), Star Wars (all of em), Narnia, American History X, The Bourne series, Zathura....

52] Have you ever entered art contests?

53] When did you start drawing seriously?
Early on. I drew stupid comics.

54] Anything that you often use as a reference when you draw?
Not really

55] Have you met any of your fans online?
I guess so if you consider what i've done on iScribble

56] You have a lot of pen pals?
No, I wish I had one.

57] You have a lot of friends that draw?
A few

58] What time do you usually go online?

59] Do you like to go to chat rooms?
A little, but I tend to just idle.

60] Do you have your own computer?

61] What would you say to the person you admire?

62] Do you think of things when you draw?
I think so (LOL!!)

63] Have you drawn badly because you think too much?
Not really

64] Do you have any friends who are professionals?

65] Where do you often hang out?
The Student Center Gameroom at school

66] Do you have any artists that you don't like too much?
I don't really know enough to dislike any

67] Situations in which you really don't like being online?
A few...especially when people make fun of me

68] Situations you hate when it comes to having web sites?
Not really

69] Something that makes you really glad that the Internet exists?
Google. And Ebay Laughing out loud

70] What about things that make you NOT glad that the Internet exists?
Porn. I hate porn so much

71] What's the first picture you've ever shown to the public online?
One of me standing on my brother's bed wearing a Kane shirt

72] Do you still have that?

73] Has your drawing style changed a lot?
Oh yeah

74] How does it usually change?
I get more detailed and less crappy

75] Have you experienced artists block before?
Kinda, I have writer's block more

76] How did you escape from it?
Just didn't draw that day

77] What happens when you have artists block?
I just am bored

78] Any artists that have influenced you a lot?
All of the amazing artists on TEF. You know who you are Eye

79] What made you start drawing?
Basically tried to impress my brothers who could already draw.

80] What made you want to get a web site?
Wanted to show off my l33t HTML skillz

81] Where did your site name come from?
I was a big Pokemon fan XD

82] What do you think about net manners?
I abide by them, but I know many people don't and it does annoy me a little.

83] Have you ever been spammed?
I think so.

84] Ever thought about quitting your web page?
Already have

85] If so, why?
Got out of Pokemon Sticking out tongue

86] About how many KB is each picture?

87] When creating your site, do you use a program or pure html?

88] Do you have good eyesight?

89] If you can get any person's autograph, whose would you get?
Stonewall Jackson (one of my heroes from the Civil War), or someone famous like Jackie Chan or Bruce Willis. I don't really have any artists I can think of that I'd want an autograph from.

90] What would you say to that artist when he/she autographs for you?
You are God? XD

91] Do you have fans of your art?
I dunno. I guess people on iScribble like it a little.

92] Do you like to draw on oekaki bbs?
Never tried it

93] Were you good at art in school?
Not really.

94] Did you take art lessons other than from school?

95] Have you drawn a manga?

96] What's your favorite phrase/quote?
"Everyone is necessarily the hero of his own life story."
- John Barth

97] Do you think your personality is different externally and internally?
I suppose so. I don't really care either way.

98] What's your goal now?
Get out of College and become a geologist!

99] What do you have to say to yourself?
I'm proud of you XD

100] Lastly, what do you have to say to everyone?
You guys are the best! *Supernuzzles everyone*