1/10/09 so far

Zergarikiaka's picture
Well, so far today I spent my entire time at the playground. I believe I ran into Uno... that or Quince. There wa s abit of dancing on the rocks at the playground, then uno/quince ran off. some of the others I was with stuck around a bit longer. Eventually I headed over to the flat rock to practace some of the songs I'm working steps out for. I'm not sure if others thought I was repetitive, crazy, or what, but they left for a while. I was pretty happy to have an at least temporary audience. Even more so, I had a few fellow dancers after a while, including a fawn and a dotd stag with the orca mask. These guys stuck with me threw 'voulez vous', 'a man after midnight', and 'Does your mother know'. Since these are songs I was planning on writing steps for soon, I was happy they joined in. Screenies later.